Tuesday, October 3, 2017



You probably think from the title that this is going to be a post about how cancer has cost me my health, my peace of mind, my sanity, and so on.  But, it's actually going to be about the dollar amount, the bucks, the moolah, the funds, the dough, the bread that having cancer costs!


I'm sure that each type of cancer has different costs because they all have different treatments.  Even in the realm of breast cancer, my costs may not be the same as someone else because their treatment was probably not exactly the same.  Some people make lots of trips to the hospital because of the body's reaction to their chemo but thankfully I did not have to do that so that reduces my cost versus someone who did have those visits.  
What I'm going to share with you is the amount, so far, that breast cancer has cost me.  


I'm going to share two different totals with you and there's a good reason for that.  One total is the amount that was 'charged' and one is the amount that I was able to get it reduced to for being a 'self-pay' patient.  See, my family doesn't have traditional insurance.  We are part of a Christian medical sharing group that works on the basis of bearing one another's burdens.  It is considered 'self-pay' in the medical community but in actuality we submit our 'needs' and other members send us their 'share' for the month to pay those bills.  We also send our 'share' each month to a family's 'need'.  It's a great concept and we've been on it for years.  And I can tell you that in relation to my cancer, it was a God send.  Most people that go through cancer have deductibles and copays and the like.  But not with the medical sharing.  100% of my costs were covered under the plan we are in.  We didn't have to deal with the added burden of how to pay for medical bills on top of the treatments, worry, and stress that can come with such a diagnosis.  If you are tired of traditional insurance I encourage you to check out Christian medical sharing groups.  


Now for the totals.  
The amount I have been charged so far for all services (this is doctors visits, prescriptions, surgery, chemo, radiation, etc, etc...) is $231,207.69 
The amount that I have paid so far for all of those services (because they give huge 'self-pay' discounts) is $137,886.47
WOW!! What a difference right?? And by the way, why does it have to cost so much to be sick??  I mean, here you are getting a diagnosis like that and on top of it, here's a huge bill for you!!  Have a nice day!


Right now, I owe nothing.  All of those bills have been paid.  I do say so far, because trust me, when you have cancer the doctor visits and check-ups never end.  They want to 'keep a check on everything' on a regular basis.  And you are on prescriptions for quite some time too, or supplements because of the things your body has been depleted of.  So that's why I say so far.  


So......what's the cost of cancer??  Alot!!  You can't afford to get cancer, literally!!! And I am sure those who have copays and deductibles struggle to pay those bills for years after their cancer treatments.  
You beat cancer, 
here's your bill.  
Have a nice day!!